HF: Icom IC-7300, Yaesu
VHF: Yaesu FT-7800 2m/70cm FM, Kenwood TR-9000 2m multimode
RX: 4x RTL-SDR Gen3 (1 on main radio PC and 3 on server side
for ADSB, sonde tracker etc..).
PSU: KPO PS-8230,
PSU-1820 DIG.
Digimode interfaces: Home-made interfaces
Other: Homemade cloud-controlled 3-way antenna switch + DIY
RF-chokes etc.
APRS: Comarco Systems MDR150 5W RTX Dataradio (
igate status @ aprs.fi).
Radio PC: HP "Mini PC" i7-8700, 16GB DDR4, 256+128
Radio Sever: Dell
7010 Corei5 3.1GHz, 16GB ram, 256 SSD (debian) and Raspberry
Pi 2b+ (raspbian)
Internet: Telia 4G 150M
AND... Coaxial switches, LPF- and choke filters, HF+6m/V-UHF
Duplexer, external speakers etc..
4G stack and Diamond V-2000, and some other antennas too :).